Table 3

Lung function in term and very preterm-born adolescents and young adults

Term controls (reference)PretermPreterm
Forced flows and volumes (spirometry)
 n successful401214378
 FEV1 z-score−0.03 (1.14)−0.88 (1.16)*−0.48 (1.10)−1.10 (1.14)*†
 FEV1 z-score post-BD0.34 (1.12)−0.28 (1.02)*0.00 (1.07)−0.43 (0.97)*
 n successful381134172
 FVC z-score0.09 (1.07)−0.01 (1.02)0.21 (1.03)−0.14 (1.01)
 FEV1/FVC z-score−0.19 (1.08)−1.17 (1.12)*−0.99 (1.14)*−1.27 (1.10)*
 FEF25-75 z-score−0.27 (1.11)−1.29 (1.15)*−0.98 (1.15)*−1.47 (1.13)*
 Bronchodilator assessment, n391194277
 No with BDR3 (7.7%)31 (26.1%)*7 (16.7%)24 (31.2%)*
Gas exchange (DLCO)
 n successful411204575
 DLCO z-score1.48 (0.97)0.85 (1.08)*1.06 (1.11)0.73 (1.05)*
 VA z-score0.74 (0.88)0.64 (1.18)0.71 (1.15)0.60 (1.20)
 KCO z-score0.89 (0.85)0.33 (1.01)*0.49 (1.07)0.24 (0.97)*
Lung volumes (whole body plethysmography)
 n successful401234479
 TLC z-score0.27 (0.70)0.28 (0.82)0.34 (0.81)0.25 (0.83)
 FRC z-score0.42 (0.69)0.55 (0.92)0.42 (0.89)0.62 (0.93)
 RV z-score0.47 (0.53)0.69 (0.79)0.51 (0.74)0.79 (0.81)*
 RV/TLC (%) z-score0.50 (0.73)0.77 (0.93)0.52 (0.85)0.91 (0.95)*
Respiratory system mechanics (oscillometry)
 n successful411254580
 Rrs5 z-score1.25 (0.87)1.33 (1.18)1.20 (1.46)1.40 (0.98)
 Fres z-score1.13 (1.04)1.90 (1.42)*1.42 (1.42)2.17 (1.36)*†
 AX z-score1.25 (0.85)1.92 (1.15)*1.61 (1.23)2.10 (1.08)*†
 Xrs5 z-score0.75 (0.92)1.36 (1.49)*1.04 (1.41)1.54 (1.51)*
 Rrs5-20 (cmH2O.s/L)0.10 (0.34)0.51 (0.81)*0.40 (0.77)0.57 (0.83)*
Median (IQR)
Airway Inflammation
 n successful411254580
 FeNO (ppm)19 (12, 25)15 (10, 26)19 (12, 32)13 (10, 19)
Ventilation distribution (multiple breath wash-out)
 n successful36974057*
 LCI6.54 (5.99, 7.19)7.26 (6.46, 8.19)*7.14 (5.96, 7.79)7.39 (6.63, 8.49)*
 MR1 (M1/M0)1.79 (1.50, 1.97)1.94 (1.57, 2.19)*1.94 (1.52, 2.15)1.94 (1.61, 2.34)*
 MR2 (M2/M0)5.68 (4.16, 6.98)6.92 (4.59, 8.85)*6.90 (4.14, 8.57)7.02 (4.70, 10.11)*
Airway resistance (plethysmography)
 n successful401194376
 sGaw (1 /s*cmH20)0.20 (0.17, 0.25)0.15 (0.11, 0.23)*0.17 (0.11, 0.25)0.15 (0.11, 0.20)*
  • Data are presented as mean (SD) unless otherwise indicated, except for the number of successful tests. The ‘preterm’ group is composed of all preterm participants, recruited using a deliberate 1 preterm without BPD: 2 preterm with BPD strategy.

  • Bold font indicates statistical significance.

  • *p<0.05 compared with term-born group.

  • †p<0.05 compared with no-BPD group.

  • AX, area under the reactance curve; BD, bronchodilator; BDR, bronchodilator response; BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; DLCO, diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide; FEF25–75, forced expiratory flow at 25%–75% of the pulmonary volume; FeNO, fractional exhaled nitric oxide; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FRC, functional residual capacity; Fres, resonant frequency; FVC, forced vital capacity; KCO, carbon monoxide transfer coefficient; LCI, Lung Clearance Index; MR1/2, moment ratio 1/2; Rrs5-20, difference in respiratory system resistance between 20 and 5 Hz; RV, residual volume; sGaw, specific airway conductance; TLC, total lung capacity; VA, alveolar volume; Xrs5, respiratory system reactance at 5 Hz.