Table 1

Demographic characteristics of the study population

Age (years), mean (SD)64.3 (7.7)66.1 (6.8)62.7 (8.2)
Sex (female), n (%)33 (49.3)16 (48.5)17 (50.0)
BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD)24.4 (5.1)25.0 (4.7)23.8 (5.6)
Current smoker, n (%)8 (11.9)3 (9.1)5 (14.7)
Smoking in the past, n (%)58 (86.6)30 (90.9)28 (82.4)
Never smoker, n (%)1 (1.5)0 (0.0)1 (2.9)
Exacerbation in the last 12 months, n (%)53 (79.1)29 (87.9)24 (70.6)
Number of exacerbations treated as outpatient in the past 12 months, mean (SD)1.19 (1.14)1.19 (1.33)1.19 (0.87)
Number of exacerbations treated as inpatient in the past 12 months, mean (SD)1.08 (1.23)1.21 (1.50)0.91 (0.79)
Long-term oxygen therapy, n (%)40 (59.7)18 (54.5)22 (64.7)
FEV1 (L) (mean (SD))1.27 (0.50)1.31 (0.53)1.23 (0.46)
FEV1% predicted (mean (SD))44.0 (16.2)45.5 (14.5)42.6 (17.8)
FEV1% FVC, mean (SD)0.52 (0.14)0.54 (0.14)0.50 (0.15)
FVC% predicted, mean (SD)64.8 (18.4)63.9 (17.9)65.7 (19.2)
CAT (points), mean (SD)16.3 (7.09)16.5 (7.2)16.0 (7.1)
GOLD stage II, n (%)20 (29.9)10 (30.3)10 (29.4)
GOLD stage III, n (%)29 (43.3)17 (51.5)12 (35.3)
GOLD stage IV, n (%)18 (26.9)6 (18.2)12 (35.3)
  • BMI, body mass index; CAT, COPD Assessment Test; CG, control group; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s ; FVC, forced vital capacity; GOLD, Global Initiative for Obstructive Lung Disease; IG, intervention group;