Table 2


Constant O2-flow, CFOS, n=50Automatic O2-flow, ATOS, n=50P valuex) Median effect (95% CI) automatic—constant
Primary outcome
ESWT Time, s 333.50 (214, 581) 522.5 (277, 1200) 1.203E–04 144.5 (54 to 241.5)
Secondary outcomes
ESWT Distance, m 310 (200, 620) 465 (200, 1030) 2.602E–04 150 (60 to 31)
Oxygen Mean O2-flow rate 3.0 (3.0, 4.0) 4.5 (3.2, 6.1) 1.000E–05 1.34 (0.68 to 2.14)
Blood gas analyses
PO2rest, mm Hg 80.2 (73.1, 90.6) 65.35 (62.6, 68.1) 1.582E–14 –17.8 (–22.1 to –13.8)
PO2post, mm Hg 61.35 (55.0, 64.5) 71.5 (64.2, 75.8) 3.304E–08 8.85 (6.35 to 11.9)
PCO2rest, mm Hg42.5 (39.8, 46.1)40.85 (39.2, 48.2)0.87
PCO2post, mm Hg50.45 (46.7, 54.0)50.45 (46.8, 54.8)0.41
Phrest 7.41 (7.39, 7.43)7.42 (7.40, 7.43)0.64
Phpost 7.35 (7.32, 7.38)7.34 (7.32, 7.37)0.19
BErest, mmol/L1.75 (0.30, 3.20)1.20 (0.10, 3.60)0.68
BEpost, mmol/L0.80 (–0.80, 2.10)0.50 (–1.10, 2.40)0.52
HCO3rest, mmol/L26.0 (24.70, 27.30)25.4 (24.50, 27,60)0.97
HCO3post, mmol/L25.0 (23.60, 26.10)24.80 (23.40, 26.50)0.78
SaO2rest, % 95.0 (94.60, 96.60) 93.08 (91.70, 93.50) 1.582E–14 -3.0 (-3.45 to -2.6)
SaO2post, % 89.19 (86.50, 91.30) 92.75 (91.30, 94.04) 1.450E–08 3.17 (2.15 to 4.37)
Lactaterest, mmol/L1.19 (0.99, 1.67)1.09 (0.88, 1.45)0.23
Lactatepost, mmol/L1.90 (1.50, 2.62)1.85 (1.14, 2.40)4.134E–02 –0.135 (–0.29 to –0.005)
SenTec digital monitor
SpO2rest, % 96.0 (95.0, 98.0) 93.0 (93.0, 95.0) 2.286E–11 –3 (–3.5 to –2.5)
SpO2isotime_100%, % 89.0 (86.0, 93.0) 92.0 (90.0, 94.0) 5.275E–04 3 (1 to 4)
SpO2post, % 89.0 (86.0, 93.0) 93.0 (92.0, 94.0) 1.758E–04 3 (1.5 to 5)
SpO2min, %88 .0 (85, 91)87.5 (83.0, 89.0)0.05
SpO2max, % 97.0 (96.0, 99.0) 95.0 (94.0, 96.0) 1.122E–09 –2 (–2.5 to –1.5)
SpO2mean, %92.0 (89.0, 94.0)92.0 (91.0, 93.0)0.77
Time to SpO2 <90%, s n=32
102.0 (73.0, 158.0)
55.0 (19.0, 74.0)
6.937E–06 –71.8 (–101 to –47)
Time to SpO2 <85%, sn=11
152.0 (112.0, 194.0)
81.5 (61.0, 137.5)
TcPCO2rest, mm Hg43.0 (39.8, 46.1)42.6 (39.4, 46.3)0.19
TcPCO2isotime_100%, mm Hg47.7 (45.4, 50.9)47.7 (44.6, 53.7)0.93
TcPCO2post, mm Hg47.75 (45.4, 50.9)48.0 (45.5, 53.6)0.57
TcPCO2max, mm Hg48.9 (45.8, 51.75)49.2 (46.4, 55.2)0.42
Heart raterest, b/min83.0 (78.0, 88.0)84.0 (79.0, 93.0)3.859E–02 2 (0 to 4.5)
Heart rateisotime_100%, b/min100.5 (95.0, 106.0)100.5 (95.0, 108.0)0.17
Heart ratepost, b/min 101.0 (95.0, 107.0) 103.0 (96.0, 112.0) 4.381E–03 3.5 (1 to 5.5)
Heart ratemax, b/min104.5 (99.0, 116.0)106.0 (99.0, 117.0)0.06
Respiratory rate
Respiratory raterest, 1 /min 18.0 (14.0, 24.0) 20 (17.0, 24.0) 1.079E–03 2 (1 to 3.5)
Respiratory rateisotime_100%, 1 /min31.0 (24.0, 45.5)31.0 (23.5, 44.0)0.25
Respiratory ratepost, 1 /min29.0 (24.0, 34.0)29.0 (21.0, 34.0)0.40
Borg scale
Dyspnoearest, points1.0 (0.0, 2.0)1.0 (0.0, 2.0)0.96
Dyspnoeapost, points 6.0 (5.0, 7.0) 5.0 (4.0, 7.0) 1.914E–04 –0.5 (–1 to –0.5)
Leg fatiguerest, points1.0 (0.0, 2.0)1.0 (0.0, 2.0)0.79
Leg fatiguepost, points4.0 (3.0, 6.0)4.0 (3.0, 5.0)0.10
  • Differences with p values<0.01 are presented in bold.

  • Note: Median effects are not necessarily medians of differences; x)non-parametric 2×2 crossover models based on Monte Carlo simulations using Wilcoxon (mid rank) test. P-values are unadjusted for multiple comparisons.

  • Data presented as median (IQR).

  • ATOS, automatically titrating oxygen system; BE, base excess; CFOS, constant flow oxygen system; ESWT, endurance shuttle walk test; HCO3, hydrogen carbonate; O2, oxygen; PCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; pH, potential of hydrogen; PO2, partial pressure of oxygen; SaO2, oxygen saturation measured by blood gas analyses; SpO2, oxygen saturation; TcPCO2, transcutaneous carbon dioxide.