Table 3

Comparison of the proposed segmentation model (M1) with the 3D U-Net and 3D spatially weighted U-Net in terms of similarity, difference and positioning performance

MethodsDSC (%)Jaccard (%)Precision (%)Sensitivity (%)HD95ASD
3D U-Net30.2±4.926.7±6.376.2±4.129.4±7.8197.6±14.74.3±0.4
3D spatially weighted U-Net67.1±2.469.8±2.781.0±3.383.8±5.372.7±11.24.7±0.8
  • Data shown are mean±SD.

  • ASD, average surface distance; DSC, Dice similarity coefficient; HD95, Hausdorff distance 95%; M1, two-step method (3D spatially weighted U-Net and 2D classical U-Net).