Table 3

Overlaps between previously reported glucocorticoid gene set (GCGS) with the top 5% PC1 and PC3 contributing genes (unsupervised), the top 5% Th2 clinical feature rank correlated genes (supervised) from Severe Asthma Research Program, and target genes of the top 5% PC3 contributing microRNAs (unsupervised) from GSE34466

GCGS overlap with each test variablePC1 28.93%PC3 11.93%Baseline blood basoBaseline blood eosBaseline FeNOChange FeNOGSE34466
Test variableGCGS
# genes in overlap15 59815 59215 53115 54215 54415 55616 040NoNo
OR(95% CI)4.07 (3.22 to 5.13)*3.73 (2.94 to 4.73)*0.89(0.60 to 1.33)1.20(0.84 to 1.71)1.20(0.84 to 1.71)1.97 (1.47 to 2.64)*5.63 (4.19 to 7.57)*
  • The number of overlapping genes, ORs and Fisher exact test 95% CI are indicated.

  • *Indicates statistical significance.