Table 3

Basic management strategies in mechanically ventilated patients

Time pointBasic management strategies in mechanically ventilated patients
Confirmed or suspected COVID-19*Non-COVID-19 ARDS†
First 48 hours after intubationLung-protective ventilationProne positioningLung-protective ventilationProne positioning
Neuromuscular blocking agentsHigher PEEPNeuromuscular blocking agentsHigher Peep
Conservative fluid managementConservative fluid management
After the first 48 hours after intubationLung-protective ventilationProne positioningLung-protective ventilationProne positioning
Neuromuscular blocking agentsHigher PEEPNeuromuscular blocking agentsHigher PEEP
Conservative fluid managementConservative fluid management
Severe ARDS and refractory hypoxiaInhaled pulmonary vasodilatorsRecruitment manoeuvresInhaled pulmonary vasodilatorsRecruitment manoeuvres
  • For each survey question, median scores were calculated with a score of <3.5 being considered inappropriate (red background), ≥3.5 and <6.5 uncertain (amber background) and ≥6.5 appropriate (green background).

  • *In the context of the pandemic.

  • †Outside the context of the pandemic.

  • APRV, airway pressure release ventilation; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation/referral to an ECMO centre; lung-protective ventilation, tidal volume <6 mL/kg ideal body weight and plateau pressure <30 cmH2O; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure.