Table 1

Population characteristics of symptom-free subjects at baseline

Population characteristics, n=35 739
Age (years), mean (SD)43 (10)
 Females (%)59.8
 Low, n (%)4365 (12.3)
 Medium, n (%)18 467 (52.2)
 High, n (%)12 016 (34.0)
 Unclassifiable, n (%)504 (1.5)
Monthly income
 Low, n (%)4231 (12.0)
 Medium, n (%)9416 (26.6)
 High, n (%)17 189 (48.8)
 Not reported, n (%)4364 (12.6)
 Pack-years in ever smokers, median (IQR)8 (12)
 Never smoker, n (%)16 979 (48.8)
 Ex-smoker, n (%)11 259 (32.4)
 Current smoker, n (%)6541 (18.8)
 FEV1% predicted, mean (SD)96.0 (12.6)
 FVC% predicted, mean (SD)100.1 (12.0)
 FEV1/FVC% predicted, mean (SD)95.4 (7.8)
Biological dust
 No, n (%)23 252 (65.7)
 Low, n (%)10 353 (29.3)
 High, n (%)1774 (5.0)
Mineral dust
 No, n (%)28 094 (79.4)
 Low, n (%)5279 (14.9)
 High, n (%)2006 (5.7)
 No, n (%)19 228 (54.3)
 Low, n (%)13 993 (39.6)
 High, n (%)2158 (6.1)
 No, n (%)33 553 (94.8)
 Low, n (%)1398 (4.0)
 High, n (%)428 (1.2)
 No, n (%)24 956 (70.5)
 Low, n (%)8858 (25.0)
 High, n (%)1565 (4.5)
 No, n (%)33 643 (95.1)
 Low, n (%)1004 (2.8)
 High, n (%)732 (2.1)
  • Education: low education (no training, primary education, lower or prevocational education); medium education (general secondary education, secondary vocational or professional guiding, preuniversity education); high education (higher professional or university degree); unclassifiable (subjects with other than above-mentioned education).

  • Monthly income: low-income (monthly net income ≤ €1500); medium-income (monthly net income between €1500 up and €2500); high-income (monthly net income ≥ €2500); unknown (I do not know/I do not want to say).

  • Smoking: never smokers (never smoked or smoked for <1 year); ex-smokers (smoked for ≥1 year and stopped smoking for ≥1 month); current smokers (current smoker or stopped smoking <1 month).

  • FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC, forced vital capacity.