Table 5

Overall variability in lung function during the study

Total populationIndividuals with no PEXIndividuals with at least one PEX
LCI meas. (n)430265165
LCI; CR4.25 units (60.4%)3.79 units (53.8%)4.83 units (68.6%)
LCI; ICC0.75 (0.68 to 0.81)0.76 (0.67 to 0.83)0.77 (0.61 to 0.88)
LCI; CV%11.6 [6.5–15.6] ‡10.9 [6.3–15.5]12.4 [9.8–16.7]
FEV1 meas. (n)427266161
FEV1; CR2.41 z-score (29.2%)2.08 z-score (25.1%)2.82 z-score (34.3%)
FEV1; ICC0.68 (0.59 to 0.75)0.67 (0.56 to 0.77)0.66 (0.50 to 0.79)
FEV1; CV%8.2 [5.3–14.2] ‡6.7 [4.4–13.4] †10.3 [7.6–16.3] †
  • CV: intervisit coefficient of variation—within-subject SD×100/within-subject mean displayed as median [IQR]. ICC: intraclass correlation coefficient displayed as mean (95% CI) derived from a random-effects model. CR: coefficient of repeatability—1.96×SD of absolute or relative differences between consecutive measurements.

  • *p=0.382.

  • †p=0.029 derived from a Wilcoxon rank-sum test.

  • ‡p=0.043 derived from a Wilcoxon signed-rank test.

  • FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; LCI, lung clearance index; Meas. (n), number of measurements; PEX, pulmonary exacerbation.