Table 3

Changes in D-PPAC and C-PPAC scores after interventions and in relation to clinically relevant variables (responsiveness)

D-PPACnAmount scoreDifficulty scoreTotal score
M (SD)M (SD)M (SD)M (SD)M (SD)M (SD)
Response to interventions
PHYSACTO (12 week)
 SMBM+placebo (ref.)631.8 (12.3)0.2 (1.1)0.8 (9.2)0.1 (0.9)1.3 (7.9)0.2 (1.0)
 SMBM +tiotropium582.3 (9.8)>0.9990.2 (0.9)6.2 (12.0) 0.021 0.6 (1.2)4.3 (8.2)0.178 0.6 (1.2)
 SMBM +tiotropium/olodaterol604.7 (10.7)0.7980.4 (1.0)5.9 (10.8) 0.037 0.6 (1.0)5.3 (7.5) 0.02 0.7 (1.0)
 SMBM+tiotropium/olodaterol+exercise training624.4 (9.6)>0.9990.4 (0.9)5.9 (8.3) 0.034 0.6 (0.8)5.1 (6.2) 0.026 0.7 (0.8)
MrPAPP (12 week)
 Usual care (ref.)144−2.9 (9.0)−0.3 (0.8)0.9 (9.4)0.1 (1)−1.0 (6.4)−0.1 (0.9)
 Telecoaching for physical activity1412.1 (11.8) <0.001 0.2 (1.1)−0.8 (10.1)0.123−0.1 (1)0.6 (7.7)0.0550.1 (1)
ACTIVATE (8 week)
 Placebo (ref.)952.8 (14.3)0.2 (1.2)−0.3 (8.5)−0.03 (0.9)1.2 (6.7)0.2 (1.0)
 Aclidinium bromide/formoterol fumarate1052.5 (8.5)0.8440.2 (0.7)3.0 (9.5) 0.01 0.3 (1.0)2.7 (6.7)0.1230.4 (1.0)
Change in relation to self-reported global rating of change (12 week for PHYSACTO and MrPAPP)
Change in physical activity experience overall
 Much worse, worse, slightly worse74−5.3 (9.2) <0.001 0.5 (0.9)−2.4 (9.5) 0.009 −0.2 (1.0)−3.8 (6.4) <0.001 0.5 (0.9)
 No change, slightly better (ref.)2440.4 (9.7)0.04 (0.9)1.6 (9.8)0.2 (1.0)1.0 (6.6)0.1 (0.9)
 Better, much better1974.8 (11.5) <0.001 0.5 (1.1)4.7 (10.7) 0.005 0.5 (1.1)4.8 (8.0) <0.001 0.6 (1.1)
Change in difficulty with physical activity
 Much more/more/a little more difficult82−5.6 (10.6) <0.001 0.5 (1.0)−3.7 (9.5) <0.001 −0.4 (1.0)−4.7 (6.7) <0.001 0.6 (0.9)
 No change, a little easier (ref.)2811.1 (9.5)0.1 (0.9)1.9 (9.5)0.2 (1.0)1.5 (6.3)0.2 (0.9)
 More easy, much more easy1545.4 (11.6) <0.001 0.5 (1.1)6.0 (10.7) <0.001 0.6 (1.1)5.7 (8.0) <0.001 0.8 (1.1)
Change in amount of physical activity
 Much less/less/a little less active97−6.0 (9.9) <0.001 0.6 (0.9)−2.1 (10.1) 0.001 −0.2 (1.0)−4.1 (6.9) <0.001 0.6 (1.0)
 No change, slightly better (ref.)2220.3 (9.3)0.03 (0.9)2.3 (9.5)0.2 (0.9)1.3 (6.3)0.2 (0.9)
 More/much more active1986.2 (10.8) <0.001 0.6 (1.0)4.3 (10.8)0.1270.4 (1.1)5.2 (7.5) <0.001 0.7 (1.1)
Changes according to COPD exacerbations during follow-up (8 week for ACTIVATE; 12 week for PHYSACTO and MrPAPP)
Any COPD exacerbation
 No (ref.)4432.1 (11.0)0.2 (1.0)2.8 (10.2)0.3 (1.0)2.5 (7.5)0.3 (1.0)
 Yes96−3.0 (8.6) <0.001 −0.3 (0.8)−0.6 (9.6) 0.002 −0.0 (1.0)−1.8 (6.6) <0.001 −0.3 (1.0)
C-PPACnAmount scoreDifficulty scoreTotal score
M (SD)M (SD)M (SD)M (SD)M (SD)M (SD)
Response to interventions
MRPAPP (12 week)
 Usual care (ref.)114−4.3 (12.5)−0.3 (1.0)−1.7 (10.7)−0.2 (1.1)−3.0 (8.4)−0.4 (1.0)
 Telecoaching for physical activity1122.9 (12.8) <0.001 0.2 (1)0.2 (8.5)0.1570.02 (0.9)1.5 (8.1) <0.001 0.2 (1.0)
ATHENS (12 week)
 Usual care (ref.)27−0.5 (13.3)−0.0 (1.0)−3.1 (10.4)−0.3 (1.0)−1.8 (8.5)−0.2 (1.0)
 Pulmonary rehabilitation255.9 (11.5)0.071 0.5 (0.9)5.3 (9.2) 0.003 0.5 (0.9)5.6 (7.5) 0.002 0.6 (0.8)
 Usual care (ref.)74−0.2 (12.6)−0.0 (1.0)0.4 (12.4)0.0 (1.0)0.2 (10.4)0.0 (1.0)
 Urban training for physical activity294.6 (10.9)0.0720.4 (0.9)4.8 (11.2)0.0960.4 (0.9)4.7 (8.9) 0.04 0.5 (0.9)
Change in relation to self-reported global rating of change (12 week for MRPAPP, 12 m for URBAN TRAINING‡)
Change in physical activity experience overall
 Much worse, worse, slightly worse77−6.8 (12.7) <0.001 0.5 (1.0)−3.4 (13.5) 0.016 −0.4 (1.2)−4.9 (10.1) <0.001 0.6 (1.1)
 No change, slightly better (ref.)165−0.4 (11.0)−0.0 (0.9)0.6 (9.8)0.0 (0.9)0.0 (7.4)−0.0 (0.8)
 Better, much better845.8 (13.0) <0.001 0.5 (1.0)2.3 (9.1)0.680.2 (0.9)4.1 (9.0) 0.001 0.5 (1.0)
Change in difficulty with physical activity
 Much more/more/a little more difficult84−6.3 (12.3) <0.001 0.5 (1.0)−4.4 (13.0) <0.001 −0.4 (1.2)−5.1 (10.0) <0.001 0.6 (1.1)
 No change, a little easier (ref.)1850.4 (11.5)0.0 (0.9)1.0 (9.5)0.1 (0.9)0.6 (7.6)0.1 (0.8)
 More easy, much more easy585.9 (13.5) 0.006 0.5 (1.0)3.9 (9.3)0.1770.4 (0.8)5.0 (8.7) 0.001 0.6 (0.9)
Change in amount of physical activity
 Much less/less/a little less active91−6.7 (12.1) <0.001 0.5 (1.0)−2.4 (13.1)0.128−0.2 (1.2)−4.3 (10.0) <0.001 0.5 (1.1)
 No change, slightly better (ref.)1750.7 (11.8)0.1 (0.9)0.4 (10.0)−0.0 (0.9)0.4 (8.2)0.0 (0.9)
 More/much more active774.8 (12.5) 0.039 0.4 (1.0)2.5 (9.0)0.4410.2 (0.9)3.7 (7.8) 0.017 0.4 (0.9)
Changes according to COPD exacerbations during follow-up (12 week for MRPAPP, 12 m for URBAN TRAINING‡)
Any COPD exacerbation
 No (ref.)2180.8 (12.8)0.1 (1.0)0.9 (9.8)0.1 (0.9)0.8 (8.4)0.1 (0.9)
 Yes108−3.0 (12.5) 0.008 −0.2 (1.0)−1.9 (12.4) 0.022 −0.2 (1.1)−2.3 (10.2) 0.003 −0.3 (1.1)
  • Parameters are in bold font when they met our assumptions (p value<0.05 and SRM≥0.5).

  • *Change calculated as 8 weeks score—baseline score in patients from ACTIVATE trial; 12 weeks score—baseline score in patients from PHYSACTO and MrPAPP trials; and 12 months—baseline in patients from Urban Training trial.

  • †P value of the score difference between groups, using multiple comparisons (Bonferroni method) after ANOVA test.

  • ‡Using per protocol population.

  • ACTIVATE, Effect of Aclidinium/Formoterol on Lung Hyperinflation, Exercise Capacity and Physical Activity in Moderate to Severe COPD Patients; ANOVA, analysis of variance; ATHENS, Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program and PROactive Tool; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; C-PPAC, Clinical visit version of PROactive Physical Activity in COPD instrument; D-PPAC, Daily version of PROactive Physical Activity in COPD instrument; MrPAPP, Impact of Telecoaching Program on Physical Activity in Patients With COPD; PHYSACTO, Effect of Inhaled Medication Together With Exercise and Activity Training on Exercise Capacity and Daily Activities in Patients With Chronic Lung Disease With Obstruction of Airways; SMBM, self-management behaviour-modification; SRM, standardised response mean; URBAN TRAINING, Effectiveness of an Intervention of Urban Training in Patients With COPD.