Table 1

Components of enhanced care intervention; rationale for inclusion and member of staff performing each task

Factors contributing to suboptimal careComponent of interventionRationaleStaff*
Assessment may be rushed or not systematic: symptoms often under-reported or under-recognisedAdministration of cACTObjective and repeatable measurement of symptomsL
Measurement of FeNOIdentify airway inflammation phenotype in this populationL
Spirometry measurementObjective measurement of airway obstructionL
Spirometry QC/interpretationN
Physical examination (auscultate chest, look for clubbing/lymph nodes)Exclude comorbidity or misdiagnosis (congenital/rheumatic heart disease, TB)N
Treatment optimisation
Clinicians reluctant to prescribe ICS and escalate dose if neededTreatment increased according to protocol based on cACT and FEV1/FVC ratioEncourage appropriate use of ICSL/N
Asthma education
Fears and misconceptions, poor understanding of asthma and inhalers1-hour individualised asthma education sessionIncrease knowledge levels, improve inhaler technique and complianceL
6-week review: revision of asthma educationL
  • *Staff responsible for performing each intervention task: L, lay educator (non-clinical); N, nurse.

  • cACT, Childhood Asthma Control Test; FeNO, exhaled nitric oxide; ICS, inhaled corticosteroid; QC, quality control.;