Table 1

Previously identified risk factors for asthma attacks in adults

Previous attacks ↑ Number of previous attacks/ED admissions/hospitalisations 22 25 83 89–91
Disease severity ↓ FEV1/↑ airway obstruction 23 89 90
↑ GINA Step 23
Disease control High Asthma Control Questionnaire score 14 23
Poor asthma control 91 92
Treatment ↑ Reliever/SABA use 23 89
↑ Previous courses of oral corticosteroids 89
Fixed dose steroid versus steroid in maintenance and reliever therapy 90
Poor treatment adherence 93
Incorrect inhaler technique 94
Inhaler device polypharmacy 83
Co-prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 95
Demographic factors Female gender 25 89 90 95
Increased age 25 89 95
Ethnicity: Black 91
Comorbidities Smoking 22 89 95
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease 25 89 95–97
Rhinitis, nasal polyps, eczema 89 95
Rhinitis 25
Chronic sinusitis 14 96 97
Obesity 23 89 96 98
Depression 83 95 97
Vocal cord dysfunction 83
Obstructive sleep apnoea 83 97
Recurrent respiratory infections 97
Inflammation/phenotype ↑ Blood eosinophil count 89 95 96
↑ Bronchodilator responsiveness 96
  • Listed studies: Fuhlbrigge et al,10 Bateman et al,23 Patel et al,90 Blakey et al,89 Loymans et al,22 TENOR,91 Kang et al,25 McDonald et al,83 Bateman et al,92 Engelkes et al,93 Melani et al,94 Price et al,95 Denlinger et al,96 ten Brinke et al,97 Fitzpatrick et al 98.

  • GINA, Global Initiative for Asthma; SABA, short-acting β-agonist.