Table 1

Baseline characteristics of participants in a multisite, placebo-controlled, parallel-arm study of 20 mg morphine daily for chronic breathlessness

Intention-to-treat—whole population
Morphine (n=145)Placebo (n=139)
Age (years)Mean (SD)74.0 (9.6)74.5 (9.1)
Min, max44.8, 94.144.3, 89.4
Gender, n (%)Female52 (35.9%)52 (37.4%)
Performance status (AKPS)Mean (SD)60.8 (11.5)61.5 (9.5)
Min, max3, 9040, 80
BMI (kg/m2)Mean (SD)25.2 (7.6)25.9 (7.0)
Min, max13.0, 66.112.3, 47.8
mMRC breathlessness now score at baseline, n (%)118 (14.1%)12 (10.3%)
222 (17.2%)25 (21.6%)
333 (25.8%)33 (28.4%)
455 (43.0%)46 (39.7%)
Baseline mean (SD) breathlessness scores (0–100 mm visual analogue scale) Now 40.9 (22.0)42.9 (23.1)
Worst 58.5 (23.8)60.7 (24.9)
Best 28.3 (21.3)30.1 (20.5)
Average 41.2 (18.5)43.8 (20.6)
Charlson Comorbidity IndexMean (SD)3.3 (2.46)3.2 (2.5)
Min, max0, 121, 13
Pulse oximetry SpO2 (%)Mean (SD)92.60 (4.17)92.96 (4.46)
Min, max77.0, 99.072.0, 99.0
End-tidal CO2 (mm Hg)Mean (SD)27.41 (8.29)25.53 (6.98)
Min, max8.5, 53.19.9, 45.0
Primary cause for breathlessness, n (%)COPD82 (56.6%)82 (59.0%)
Cancer26 (17.9%)22 (15.8%)
Cardiac failure2 (1.4%)2 (1.4%)
Mixed18 (12.4%)19 (13.7%)
Other17 (11.7%)14 (10.1%)
Oxygen useYes, n (%)87 (60.0%)75 (54.0%)
Smoking status, n (%)Never smoked24 (16.6%)26 (18.7%)
Ex-smoker104 (71.7%)95 (68.3%)
Current smoker17 (11.7%)16 (11.5%)
Missing0 (0.00%)2 (1.4%)
  • AKPS, Australia-modified Karnofsky Performance Status; BMI, body mass index; CO2, carbon dioxide; mMRC, modified Medical Research Council.