Table 1

Demographic information

DemographicsAll COPD (n=21), mean (SD)All HV (n=22), mean (SD)
Age (years)67.4 (3.4)61.0 (8.6)
Sex, n (%)
 Female5 (24)9 (41)
 Male16 (76)13 (59)
BMI (kg/m2)25.5 (3.8)25.9 (2.8)
Height (cm)169.9 (6.9)171.4 (8.9)
Weight (kg)73.9 (12.8)76.1 (10.1)
FEV1 (L)1.7 (0.4)3.2 (0.7)
FEV1 (%)61.9 (11.3)
FEV1:FVC ratio52.3 (9.4)
ICS usage, n (%)18 (86)0 (0)
Current smoker, n (%)
 Yes4 (19)0 (0)
 No17 (81)22 (100)
Years smoked37.1 (10.8)
Pack years43.9 (20.3)
  • Forty-three subjects were recruited into the study and are included in the population summary; however, only 38 subjects were included in the per-protocol efficacy/data analysis. No significant difference in the demographics of patients analysed per-protocol was noted.

  • Three HVs did not undergo SPECT/CT due to failures with either (1) the neutrophil labelling process or (2) nuclear medicine equipment. The dose of inhaled LPS was below the set 50 µg in one HV and therefore data were excluded from per-protocol analysis. One subject with COPD became ill and was withdrawn prior to initiation of imaging.

  • BMI, body mass index; HV, healthy volunteer; ICS, inhaled corticosteroid; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; SPECT, single-photon emission CT.