Table 1

Patient and procedural characteristics

Number of patients (%)
Mean age (years)63.2±11.2
 Male65 (64%)
 Female37 (36%)
 Asian3 (3%)
 Black11 (11%)
 Hispanic11 (11%)
 White76 (75%)
 Other1 (1%)
Smoking history
 Current or prior71 (70%)
 Never31 (30%)
Baseline Zubrod (median, IQR)1 (1 to 2)
ASA score (median, IQR)3 (3 to 3)
Baseline utility (median, IQR)0.618 (0.569 to 0.699)
Baseline Borg (median, IQR)3.5 (2 to 5)
Weeks from cancer diagnosis to procedure (median, IQR)75 (7 to 252)
Urgency of procedure
 Elective81 (79%)
 Urgent4 (4%)
 Emergent17 (17%)
 Asthma3 (3%)
 COPD14 (14%)
 Cardiovascular26 (26%)
 Diabetes24 (24%)
 Second primary solid tumour11 (11%)
Increased bleeding risk1 (1%)
 Cancer type
 Lung44 (43%)
 Breast3 (3%)
 Colon1 (1%)
 Oesophageal5 (5%)
 Renal19 (19%)
 Sarcoma3 (3%)
 Other solid tumour23 (23%)
 Haematological malignancy4 (4%)
Initial cancer treatment
 Surgery38 (37%)
 Chemotherapy27 (27%)
 Radiation therapy13 (13%)
 No treatment24 (24%)
Prior therapeutic bronchoscopy8 (8%)
Indication(s) for therapeutic bronchoscopy*
 Tracheoesophageal fistula4 (4%)
 Haemoptysis21 (21%)
 Malignant central airway obstruction102 (100%)
Number of bronchopulmonary segments obstructed (median, IQR)10 (8 to 18)
Location of most proximal airway obstruction>50%
 Trachea23 (23%)
 Bilateral main stem7 (7%)
 Right main bronchus28 (28%)
 Left main bronchus18 (18%)
 Bronchus intermedius11 (11%)
 Lobar only15 (15%)
Obstruction type
 Endobronchial64 (63%)
 Extrinsic27 (27%)
 Mixed11 (11%)
Procedural methods
 Type of ventilation
  Jet ventilation93 (91%)
  Volume cycled9 (9%)
 Type of bronchoscopy
  Flexible only8 (8%)
  Rigid and flexible (vs flexible only)94 (92%)
 Treatment modalities used
  YAP laser17 (17%)
  Electrocautery (snare, probe or forceps)32 (31%)
  Argon plasma coagulation64 (63%)
  Cryorecanalisation21 (21%)
  Microdebrider26 (25%)
  Rigid ‘coring’11 (11%)
  Dilation20 (20%)
  Stent present on completion of first procedure34 (33%)
Stent type placed at first procedure (n=34)
 Aero22 (65%)
 Ultraflex2 (6%)
 Silicone tube1 (4%)
 Y-Stent9 (26%)
Technical success (airway open>50%)
 Complete68 (67%)
 Partial23 (23%)
 Failed11 (11%)
Postprocedure treatment
 Surgery4 (4%)
 Chemotherapy60 (59%)
 Radiation therapy57 (56%)
  • *Patients could have one or more comorbidities, so each comorbidity is dichotomous. For bronchoscopy indication, patients could have more than one indication for bronchoscopy, but one of them had to be for malignant central airway obstruction.