Table 1

Association of Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) quintile with asthma outcomes (incidence rate ratio (IRR) with 95% CI), adjusting for age and sex, stratified by age-band: (A) mortality, England 2002–2015; (B) emergency admissions, England 2001–2011; (C) prevalence of clinician-diagnosed-and-treated asthma in the last 12 months, England 2010*; (D) prevalence of recent severe asthma symptoms*, England 2010.

(A) Mortality5–44 years45–74 years75 years and over
IMDN deathsIRR95% CIN deathsIRR95% CIN deathsIRR95% CI
Least deprived 12631.00Reference7651.00Reference18471.00Reference
Linear trend for IMD0.950.910.991.
 (P value)0.006<0.001<0.001