Table 2

Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics for participants stratified by test results for latent tuberculosis infection and hepatitis B and C

AllQuantiFERON-TB Gold positiveHep B positive*Hep C positive
Age (years)
Born in the UK
Total time spent homeless
 <1 year48816.7612.548.3
 1 year1351813.31611.9139.6
 2–3 years1412819.91913.5117.8
 >3 years1672716.21710.23621.6
Has ever spent time in prison
Illicit drug usage
 Has ever smoked heroin/crack1072018.71413.154.7
 Has ever injected drugs861719.81719.84653.5
Case currently smokes cigarettes
Participant or health worker ever been concerned about drinking
  • *Sum of current and past hepatitis B.

  • †Sum of current and past hepatitis C.

  • Note: HIV data not included to reduce risk of deductive disclosure. Hep, hepatitis.