Table 2

Crude and adjusted HR for death among Danish patients with TB by localisation of TB disease. The adjusted HR included comorbidity (by Deyo-Charlson comorbidity score), gender, age and income as explanatory variables in a multiple Cox proportional hazards model

Crude HR95% CIAdjusted HR95% CI
Localisation of TB
 Pulmonary TBRefRef
 Central nervous system TB1.19(0.80; 1.76)1.78(1.19; 2.66)
 Extrapulmonary TB0.53(0.44; 0.64)0.59(0.49; 0.72)
Deyo-Charlson comorbidity index (per point increase)1.36(1.31; 1.42)1.27(1.21; 1.34)
Male gender1.28(1.14; 1.43)1.47(1.31; 1.65)
Age (per year increase)1.06(1.06; 1.07)1.06(1.06; 1.07)
Income (per log increase)0.97(0.93; 1.01)0.83(0.79; 0.87)