Abstract S39 Table 1

Referral rates, hospital LoS and 90 day readmission rates pre and post D-NIV outreach service

Pre-outreach servicePost-outreach servicep-value
Patients eligible for D-NIV
Referral rates per acute NIV episodes at one referring site (Site A) (%)10/669 (1.5%)31/350 (8.9%)p<0.001
Further patients eligible for consideration of D-NIV at Site A but not referred (%) COPD COPD/OSA OHS NMD CWD84/659 (9.8%) 58.3%(49) 4.7% (4) 30.9% (26) 1.1% (1) 4.7% (4)1/319 (0.3%) 100% (n1)p<0.001
Patients at site A-E referred to D-NIV service (n) Diagnosis%(n): COPD COPD/OSA NMD OHS CWD OtherInpatient referral n=11 Outpatient referral n=7 Total n=17 38.9% (7) 0% (0) 16.7% (3) 38.9% (7) 5.6% (1) 0% (0)Inpatient referral n=68 26.4% (18) 10.2% (7) 7.4% (5) 47% (32) 5.9% (4) 2.9% (2) p=0.431
Patients referred to the service
Pre-outreach service Site A-EPost-outreach service Sites A-E
Hospital length of stay (days) Mean (SD)n=11 49(49)n=68 28(26)Mean diff 20.7 (95%CI −14 to 56) p=0.167
90 day readmission rate 90R10%30%p=0.264
  • COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, OSA=obstructive sleep apnoea, NMD=neuromuscular disease, OHS=obesity hypoventilation syndrome CWD=chest wall deformity.