Abstract M25 Table 1

Demographics of patient cohorts commencing anti-fibrotic therapy

Whole GroupTolerant cohortIntolerant cohortP-valueIntolerant weight loss cohortP-value
No. of patients (n) 137 84 53 14
Mean age (SD), years 72.3 (7.64) 70.3 (7.63) 75.2 (6.62) 0.0003* 77.9 (5.34) 0.001*
Mean starting FVC
% Predicted (SD)
73.7 (15.3) 73.1 (15.0) 74.5 (15.5) 0.61 70 (11.5) 0.31
Gender F:M% 27 : 72 25 : 73 30 : 70 0.55 29 : 71 0.75
Mortality at 12 months (no. of patients) 25 12 13 0.17 1 (from intolerant cohort) 0.69