Abstract P147 Table 1

Characteristics of the exeter IPF cohort (SD=standard deviation)

IPF patientsn=90
Age (years) (SD)74 (9)
Gender, male76 (84%)
Current Treatmentn= 90
Nintedanib55 (61%)
Pirfenidone35 (39%)
Ischaemic heart disease23 (26%)
Hypertension18 (20%)
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease17 (19%)
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus14 (16%)
Osteoarthritis9 (10%)
Hypothyroidism7 (8%)
Hypercholesterolaemia6 (7%)
Asthma5 (6%)
Inflammatory bowel disease3 (3%)
Other connective tissue disease3 (3%)
Gout3 (3%)
Chronic Kidney disease2 (2%)
Obstructive sleep apnoea1 (1%)
WHO BMI Classificationn= 46
Underweight (<18.5)0
Normal (18.5–24.99)10 (22%)
Pre-obese (25–29.99)17 (37%)
Obese Class 1 or 2 (30–39.99)18 (39%)
Obese Class 3 (>40)1 (2%)
Delta BMI
(change in BMI per month)
n= 43
Median (SD)−0.05 (0.2)
Range−0.41 to+0.63 per month
Delta FVC
(Change in FVC per month)
n= 44
Median (SD)−0.3% (0.81%)
Range−2.44% to+1.5%