Table 1

Characteristics and demographic data for the study population, according to childhood living environment

Inner city,
mean (SD)
mean (SD)
Farm, mean (SD)p Value*
Mean age, years41.9 (7.2)42.6 (7.2)45.1 (6.4)<0.001
% (n)% (n)% (n)
 Male45.5 (1201)48.0 (2991)46.8 (432)
 Female54.5 (1441)52.0 (3239)53.3 (492)0.085
Ever smoker57.4 (1512)56.3 (3505)54.3 (501)0.262
Paternal smoking66.5 (1705)65.3 (3932)61.0 (541)0.019
Maternal smoking27.8 (726)23.1 (1415)14.0 (128)<0.001
Cat in childhood32.2 (717)44.3 (2772)84.0 (743)<0.001
Dog in childhood30.1 (677)42.8 (2707)73.2 (655)<0.001
Older siblings53.4 (702)54.2 (2065)61.7 (409)0.001
Bedroom sharing65.3 (1774)66.9 (4332)71.2 (666)0.005
Family history of allergic disease37.9 (883)31.5 (1714)26.4 (218)<0.001
Serious respiratory infection <5 years12.2 (319)10.7 (649)12.1 (108)0.088
School attendance <5 years50.3 (1124)36.2 (2288)18.4 (163)<0.001
  • *Statistical significance determined by χ2 or analysis of variance.