Characteristics | Total (N=1213) | Intervention (BA-YBA)* (N=611) | Control (VBA)† (N=602) |
Sociodemographic | |||
% (N) Male | 79.7 (966) | 77.4 (472) | 82.1 (494) |
Mean (SD) age in years | 46.3 (13.6) | 45.2 (12.8) | 47.4 (14.2) |
% (N) Married/cohabiting‡ | 86.4 (1044) | 85.2 (517) | 87.5 (527) |
% (N) In employment§ | 70.7 (856) | 71.7 (438) | 69.7 (418) |
% (N) No primary education¶ | 35.3 (426) | 33.3 (202) | 37.3 (224) |
% (N) Household income ≥5000 INR/month** | 34.1 (403) | 35.7 (212) | 32.5 (191) |
% (N) Lower caste†† | 43.8 (512) | 50.7 (290) | 37.2 (222) |
Tobacco use | |||
% (N) Smokers | 63.8 (774) | 65.0 (397) | 62.6 (377) |
% (N) Smokeless users | 58.5 (710) | 58.8 (359) | 58.3 (351) |
% (N) Dual users | 22.3 (271) | 23.7 (145) | 20.9 (126) |
Mean (SD) age started use‡‡ | 22.4 (9.6) | 22.2 (10.0) | 22.6 (9.3) |
% (N) Made quit attempt in the previous year§§ | 20.0 (229) | 22.3 (126) | 17.8 (103) |
Mean (SD) length of longest quit attempt (in weeks)¶¶ | 7.6 (30.0) | 7.5 (33.2) | 7.8 (26.5) |
% (N) Previously used support in a quit attempt*** | 3.8 (46) | 3.8 (23) | 3.8 (23) |
Mean (SD) heaviness of smoking index score (0-6)††† | 3.0 (1.7) | 3.2 (1.6) | 2.8 (1.7) |
% (N) Usually uses tobacco within 5 min of waking‡‡‡ | 38.0 (458) | 40.0 (243) | 36.0 (215) |
Mean (SD) confidence in stopping score (1–7)§§§ | 4.4 (1.9) | 4.5 (1.9) | 4.2 (2.0) |
Different pairs of superscript letters indicate a significant group difference (p<0.05) after adjustment for false discovery rate and accounting for clustered nature of data.
*Brief quit advice and yogic breathing exercises.
†Very brief quit advice.
‡Four cases missing/refused to answer.
§Three cases missing/refused to answer.
¶Five cases missing/refused to answer.
**Thirty-two cases missing/refused to answer.
††Forty-five cases missing/refused to answer.
‡‡Twenty-nine cases missing/refused to answer.
§§Sixty-nine cases missing/refused to answer.
¶¶Twenty-six cases missing/refused to answer.
***Seventeen cases missing/refused to answer.
†††Sixteen cases missing/refused to answer.
‡‡‡Nine cases missing/refused to answer.
§§§Eight cases missing/refused to answer (scale from 1 ‘not at all confident’ to 7 ‘very confident’).