Table 2

Individual interventions incorporated in COPD discharge care bundles

Bundle interventionsAbad-Corpa et al24Casas et al25Graham26*Halpin et al27Hopkinson et al28Jennings et al29Lainscak et al30Laverty et al31Linden and Butterworth32Mann et al33Matthews et al34Seymour et al35Shorofsky et al36*Yip et al37
Medication reconciliation
Prescribe maintenance respiratory medications
Provide rescue packs for future exacerbations
Comprehensive assessment at discharge
Assess suitability for early supported discharge
Individually tailored care plan of self-management
Assessment of patient comprehension of discharge instructions/use of medications
Ensure patient has demonstrated adequate inhaler technique
Educational programme on self-management
Written information on COPD and medication
Brief intervention for smoking cessation
Referral to smoking cessation programme
Respiratory physiotherapy/breathing exercises
Diet recommendations
Hygienic habits recommendations
Adapted exercise
Screening for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, depression or anxiety
Home care needs assessment
Recommend maintenance of home oxygen therapy apparatus
Check O2 saturation on air
Oxygen alert card
Document spirometry
Assessment/referral for pulmonary rehabilitation
Referral to respiratory specialist nurse
Arrange outpatient follow-up
Post-discharge phone call
  • *Study authors provided additional information.

  • †Not reported; attempts to obtain information from study authors were unsuccessful.