Table 2

Baseline polysomnography data of the studied patients (n=36)

ODI (events/hour)*25.7 (16.0–49.1)
AHI (events/hour)*28.1 (19.0–57.0)
Obstructive apnoea (events/hour)*15.2 (6.7–31.4)
Central apnoea (events/hour)*0.1 (0.0–0.5)
Mixed apnoea (events/hour)*0.2 (0.0–1.9)
Obstructive hypopnoea (events/hour)*7.8 (1.2–14.3)
Supine AHI (events/hour)43.2 (27.0)
REM AHI (events/hour)36.7 (24.9)
Arousal index (events/hour)28.7 (14.8)
SpO2 asleep (%)93.3 (1.6)
Nadir SpO2 asleep (%)*80.5 (74.0–85.0)
Total sleep time (min)337.5 (75.3)
Time in bed (min)448.4 (51.8)
Sleep efficiency (%)74.9 (15.1)
Sleep onset (min)*18.8 (9.0–39.1)
Wake after sleep onset (min)*79.0 (35.9–117.2)
REM latency (min)*131.0 (69.5–162.5)
Sleep stage N1 (%)*13.0 (8.3–18.7)
Sleep stage N2 (%)50.7 (15.1)
Sleep stage N3 (%)16.3 (12.8)
Sleep stage REM (%)15.7 (9.3)
Snoring time (min)*43.3 (15.2–72.4)
Snoring time (%)*13.2 (5.5–22.3)
  • *Data were non-normally distributed and are expressed as median and IQR.

  • Sleep stages and snoring time are expressed as percentage of time asleep.

  • AHI, apnoea-hypopnoea index; N1–N3, non-REM sleep stages 1–3; ODI, 4% oxygen desaturation index; REM, rapid eye movement; SpO2, oxygen saturation.