Table 4

Characteristics and demographic data for the inner city study population, according to biodiversity score

Score 0,
mean (SD)
Score 1,
mean (SD)
Score 2,
mean (SD)
Score 3,
mean (SD)
Score 4,
mean (SD)
Score 5,
mean (SD)
p Value*
Mean age, years43.6 (7.3)43.7 (7.3)42.3 (7.3)42.2 (7.3)41.9 (7.0)39.9 (7.4)<0.001
% (n)% (n)% (n)% (n)% (n)% (n)
 Male53.6 (30)50.1 (137)45.7 (313)45.1 (296)41.9(142)40.8 (44)
 Female46.4 (26)49.8 (136)54.3 (372)54.9 (361)58.1 (197)59.3 (64)0.243
Ever smoker48.2 (27)61.3 (166)55.8 (381)58.0 (380)64.3 (218)62.0 (67)0.058
Paternal smoking70.9 (34)62.8 (165)64.4 (428)68.4 (437)73.4 (240)78.9 (82)0.004
Maternal smoking27.3 (15)23.3 (62)25.1 (169)24.8 (161)32.9 (110)34.3 (37)0.020
Cat childhood03.9 (11)12.9 (95)36.0 (247)72 (249)100 (108)<0.001
Dog childhood05.6 (16)9.8 (72)31.6 (217)71.4 (247)100 (108)<0.001
Older siblings048.6 (139)82.4 (605)91.8 (630)97.4 (337)100 (108)<0.001
Bedroom sharing023.1 (66)58.0 (426)78.1 (536)90.2 (312)100 (108)0.005
School attendance <5 years018.9 (54)36.8 (270)62.4 (428)69.1 (239)100 (108)<0.001
Family history of allergic disease31.9 (15)33.8 (78)32 (191)35.4 (204)31.8 (93)33.3 (31)0.849
Serious respiratory infection <5 years9.4 (5)11.9 (32)10.6 (74)8.9 (58)11.1 (37)11.3 (11)0.754
  • *Statistical significance determined by χ2 or analysis of variance.