Table 4

Multivariate models in sample with anatomic, Pcrit and activated EMGgg measures

VariableOR (95% CI)*p Value†
Model 0: Covariates only
N OSAS=32, N Controls=23, AUC=0.680
 Age1.33 (0.71 to 2.50)0.368
 Male2.72 (0.81 to 9.07)0.105
 African American0.85 (0.20 to 3.63)0.822
 BMI Z-score1.34 (0.77 to 2.33)0.301
Model 1: Anatomy adjusted for covariates
N OSAS=32, N Controls=23, AUC=0.844
 ATV4.57 (1.53 to 13.6)0.006
 NPAV0.45 (0.20 to 1.02)0.054
Model 2: Pcrit adjusted for covariates
N OSAS=32, N Controls=23, AUC=0.841
 Activated Pcrit2.04 (0.93 to 4.47)0.077
 Hypotonic Pcrit2.26 (1.04 to 4.90)0.039
Model 3: Activated EMG adjusted for covariates
N OSAS=32, N Controls=23, AUC=0.747
 EMGgg slope (activated)6.74 (1.05 to 43.1)0.044
Model 4: Anatomy+Pcrit+activated EMGgg adjusted for covariates
N OSAS=32, N Controls=23, AUC=0.958
 ATV9.05 (1.56 to 52.5)0.014
 NPAV0.04 (0.004 to 0.45)0.009
 Activated Pcrit7.72 (1.40 to 42.6)0.190
 Hypotonic Pcrit1.92 (0.66 to 5.60)0.231
 EMGgg slope (activated)33.8 (1.17 to 980.7)0.040
Final model: significant variables adjusted for covariates
N OSAS=32, N Controls=23, AUC=0.951
 ATV10.0 (1.78 to 56.4)0.009
 NPAV0.05 (0.01 to 0.43)0.007
 Activated Pcrit8.79 (1.70 to 45.6)0.010
 EMGgg slope (activated)24.0 (1.10 to 521.1)0.043
  • *OR associated with a 1 SD increase in continuous variables or between groups for categorical variables.

  • †p Value from logistic regression model.

  • ‡Model includes listed predictors and covariates shown in Model 0. Significant estimates (p<0.05) are shown in bold.

  • ATV, adenotonsillar volume; AUC, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve; BMI, body mass index; EMGgg, genioglossal electromyogram; NPAV, nasopharyngeal airway volume; OSAS, obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome; Pcrit, critical closing pressure.