TableĀ 5

Anchor-based and distribution-based estimates of the minimum important difference (MID) of the EQ-5D-5L utility index and EQ-VAS

ApproachAnchor/methodMID estimate
Utility indexDistribution0.5 SD0.109
Mean changeGRCQ0.054
Linear regressionCRQ emotion0.063
Linear regressionCRQ mastery0.062
Linear regressionCRQ total0.059
ROCCRQ emotion0.046
ROCCRQ mastery0.038
ROCCRQ total0.037
EQ-VASDistribution0.5 SD10.1
Mean changeGRCQ6.9
Linear regressionCRQ dyspnoea6.5
Linear regressionCRQ fatigue7.2
Linear regressionCRQ emotion8.0
Linear regressionCRQ mastery7.6
Linear regressionCRQ total6.7
ROCCRQ dyspnoea6.5
ROCCRQ fatigue6.5
ROCCRQ emotion6.5
ROCCRQ mastery6.5
ROCCRQ total6.5
  • CRQ, chronic respiratory questionnaire; GRCQ, global rating of change questionnaire; ROC, receiver operating characteristic curves.