Table 3

Canonical pathways enriched for causality genes using the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis system

Pathwaysp Value
Cdc42 signalling0.00002
Crosstalk between dendritic cells and natural killer cells0.00015
Graft-versus-host disease signalling0.00069
OX40 signalling pathway0.00151
Antigen presentation pathway0.00468
Neuroprotective role of THOP1 in Alzheimer’s disease0.00589
Taurine and hypotaurine metabolism0.00617
Autoimmune thyroid disease signalling0.00661
Regulation of actin-based motility by Rho0.00676
Communication between innate and adaptive immune cells0.00676
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor signalling0.00759
Integrin signalling0.00891
Allograft rejection signalling0.00977
Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-mediated apoptosis of target cells0.01023
Cyanoamino acid metabolism0.01047
Glutathione metabolism0.01072
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis signalling0.01230
Systemic lupus erythematosus signalling0.01230
PXR/RXR activation0.01995
Macropinocytosis signalling0.02455
Selenoamino acid metabolism0.02692
Xenobiotic metabolism signalling0.02951
Cellular effects of sildenafil (Viagra)0.03162
Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis0.03631
Actin cytoskeleton signalling0.04365
FAK signalling0.04467
Apoptosis signalling0.04677
  • Pathways discussed in the text are given in italic.