Table 1

Demographic characteristics of subjects*

STRA (n=19)MA (n=16)Controls (n=13)p Value
Age (years)11 (9–14)12 (11–13)10.5 (9–13)0.2†
Male9 (47%)7 (58%)8 (61%)0.1‡
FEV1 (% predicted)75 (65–86)89 (84–96)95 (90–98)<0.001†
FVC (% predicted)88 (76–96)102 (96–110)96 (94–108)<0.001†
FEV1 to FVC ratio73 (68–84)88 (78–92)93 (89–97)<0.001†
Atopic§ (%)16 (84%)12 (75%)3 (23%)<0.001‡
IgE (IU/mL)498 (127–650)690 (280–1240)12.5 (8–51)<0.001†
BDR¶ (%)14 (6–17)4 (3.5–6) (n=4)NA0.08**
ACT††12 (8–15)19 (17–21)NA<0.001**
Daily inhaled corticosteroid dose (μg/day)‡‡1400 (1000–2000)600 (500–800)NA<0.001**
Median exacerbations in last 6 months requiring oral steroids3 (2–4)1 (0–2)NA<0.001**
  • Decimal values were approximated to the closest integer for ease of exposition.

  • *Values are given in median (IQR) for continuous variables or as number (%) for binary variables.

  • †p Value calculated by Kruskal–Wallis test.

  • ‡p Value calculated by χ² test.

  • §One or more positive allergen-specific IgE responses.

  • ¶Rise in FEV1 postbronchodilator (%).

  • **p Value calculated by Mann–Whitney test.

  • ††Score out of 25.

  • ‡‡Beclomethasone equivalent.

  • ACT, asthma control test; BDR, bronchodilator response; MA, moderate asthma; STRA, severe therapy-resistant asthma patients.