Table 4

Association of adult onset asthma with ever having worked in a low-risk exposure group (with and without a high-risk) by age 42

Exposure groupCase/totalOR*95% CI
Combustion particles/fumes: vehicle/motor exhaust exposure
 Reference group (always worked in non-exposed)147/18641.00
  Exposed to another ASJEM agent but not to combustion particles/fumes368/40051.281.04 to 1.57
  Ever combustion particles/fumes, never a high-risk exposure47/7401.090.77 to 1.56
  Ever combustion particles/fumes plus ever a high-risk exposure77/7971.651.21 to 2.24
Possible exposure to irritants, gases or fumes
 Reference group (always worked in non-exposed)147/18641.00
  Exposed to another ASJEM agent but not to possible irritants, gases or fumes272/30121.281.03 to 1.59
  Ever possible exposure to irritants, gases or fumes, never a high-risk exposure66/8941.180.86 to 1.61
  Ever possible exposure to irritants, gases or fumes, plus ever a high-risk exposure154/16361.401.10 to 1.80
Environmental tobacco smoke
 Reference group (always worked in non-exposed)147/18641.00
  Exposed to another ASJEM agent but not to environmental tobacco smoke387/45931.271.03 to 1.56
  Ever high probability of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, never a high-risk exposure54/4651.521.09 to 2.13
  Ever high probability of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, plus ever a high-risk exposure51/4841.340.94 to 1.88
Low probability of enough exposure for occupational asthma (low antigens)
 Reference group (always worked in non-exposed)147/18641.00
  Exposed to another ASJEM agent but not to low antigens202/22691.321.05 to 1.66
  Ever low antigens, never a high-risk exposure127/14421.341.03 to 1.73
  Ever low antigens, plus ever a high-risk exposure163/18311.260.99 to 1.60
  • Within each analysis for each low-risk agent the exposure groups are mutually exclusive; they are not adjusted for exposure to any of the other low-risk agents in the table.

  • Bold type indicates conventional levels of statistical significance (p<0.05).

  • *Adjusted for sex, smoking, father's social class at birth, region and hay fever.

  • ASJEM, Asthma Specific Job Exposure Matrix.