Table 2

Initial physical examination and laboratory findings

VariablePatients with CAP≥65 years (n=2569)Patients with NHAP≥65 years (n=518)p Value
Cough, n (%)2266 (88.5)425 (83.3)0.001
Purulent sputum, n (%)1394 (54.5)210 (41.3)<0.001
Fever, n (%)1461 (56.9)294 (56.8)0.955
Dyspnoea, n (%)2072 (81.2)424 (84.1)0.123
Confusion, n (%)374 (14.7)243 (49.2)<0.001
Chest pain, n (%)820 (33.2)65 (16.4)<0.001
Severe hypotension*, n (%)542 (21.2)154 (30.3)<0.001
Tachycardia, n (%)885 (34.7)197 (38.6)0.091
Tachypnea, n (%)310 (13.0)83 (17.8)0.007
Haemoglobin, g/dl (median (IQR) (n))13.2 (2.4) (2508)12.6 (2.7) (507)<0.001
Anaemia§, n (%)892 (35.6)225 (44.4)<0.001
Complete blood count, n (%)2535 (99.7)508 (99.8)0.751
With differential, n (%)716 (29.1)110 (22.6)0.004
Haematocrit, % (median (IQR) (n))39.0 (6.0) (2327)38.0 (7.0) (474)<0.001
Platelets, /10−9 litre (median (IQR) (n))230 (123) (2491)259 (143) (502)<0.001
Thrombopenia, n (%)243 (9.8)33 (6.6)0.025
Leucocytes, /10−9 litre (median (IQR) (n))12.4 (7.1) (2532)13.5 (8.5) (507)0.001
Leuocytosis**, n (%)46 (1.8)13 (2.6)0.266
Leucopenia††, n (%)33 (1.3)6 (1.2)0.827
Lymphocytes, % (median (IQR) (n))10 (9) (710)8.5 (8.4) (109)0.392
CRP, mg/litre (median (IQR) (n))112 (180) (2478)97 (149) (492)0.023
BUN, mg/dl (median (IQR) (n))20.2 (15.5) (2163)24.9 (23.9) (454)<0.001
  • * Systolic <90 mm Hg or diastolic ≤60 mm Hg.

  • Heart rate >100/min.

  • Respiratory rate ≥30/min.

  • § 12 g/dl for women, 13 g/dl for men.

  • Platelet count <140/10−9 litre.

  • ** Leucocytes >30/10−9 litre.

  • †† Leucocytes <4/10−9 litre.

  • BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CAP, community-acquired pneumonia; CRP, C-reactive protein; NHAP, nursing-home-acquired pneumonia.