Table 1

Sociodemographic and health characteristics of the total Newcastle 85+ cohort (n=845) and by gender

Men (n=319)Women (n=526)Overall cohort (n=845)p Value*
Ethnicity % (N)
 White99.4 (316)99.8 (523)99.6 (839)0.272†
Living arrangements % (N)
 Standard housing83.4 (266)73.2 (385)77.0 (651)0.002†
 Sheltered housing10.3 (33)14.3 (75)12.8 (108)
 Institutional care6.3 (20)12.6 (66)10.2 (86)
Smoking % (N)
 Never25.6 (81)42.0 (220)35.8 (301)<0.001†
 Former69.9 (221)51.5 (270)58.5 (491)
 Current4.4 (14)6.5 (34)5.7 (48)
Occupational exposures % (N)
 Heavy industry41.2 (126)16.6 (83)25.9 (209)<0.001†
 Coal mining11.4 (35)0.0 (0)4.3 (35)<0.001‡
 Chemical industry11.1 (34)4.0 (20)6.7 (54)<0.001†
 Asbestos exposure28.9 (88)1.6 (8)12.0 (96)<0.001†
Respiratory symptoms % (N)
 Cough28.3 (88)25.8 (129)26.7 (217)0.425†
 Wheeze25.0 (78)20.2 (101)22.0 (179)0.109†
 Sputum production40.7 (127)28.0 (140)32.9 (267)<0.001
MRC dyspnoea score % (N)
 150.2 (123)40.5 (143)44.5 (266)0.048§
 211.4 (28)19.0 (67)15.9 (95)
 320.4 (50)17.6 (62)18.7 (112)
 415.1 (37)17.0 (60)16.2 (97)
 52.9 (7)6.0 (21)4.7 (28)
Respiratory diagnoses % (N)
 COPD17.9 (57)15.8 (83)16.6 (140)0.429†
 Asthma6.9 (22)12.7 (67)10.5 (89)0.007†
 Bronchiectasis2.5 (8)1.5 (8)1.9 (16)0.308†
 Pulmonary fibrosis0.0 (0)0.2 (1)0.1 (1)1.000‡
 Asbestosis1.6 (5)0.0 (0)0.6 (5)0.008‡
 Pneumoconiosis1.3 (4)0.0 (0)0.5 (4)0.020‡
 TB4.4 (14)4.9 (26)4.7 (40)0.713†
Respiratory medications
 Inhaled short-acting β-2 adrenoreceptor agonists9.1 (29)11.4 (60)10.5 (89)0.288†
 Inhaled muscarinic antagonists3.8 (12)3.8 (20)3.8 (32)0.976†
 Oral theophylline0.3 (1)0.5 (3)0.5 (4)0.598‡
 Combination short-acting bronchodilators0.6 (2)0.0 (0)0.2 (2)0.142‡
 Inhaled corticosteroids5.3 (17)7.8 (41)6.9 (58)0.169†
 Combination inhaled Corticosteroids and long-acting β-2 adrenoreceptor agonists1.9 (6)2.1 (11)2.0 (17)0.833†
 Oral leukotriene receptor antagonists0.0 (0)0.4 (2)0.2 (2)0.529‡
 Oral mucolytics0.6 (2)0.2 (1)0.4 (3)0.560‡
At least one respiratory medication
 % (N)12.2 (39)14.5 (76)13.6 (115)0.361†
Disease count
 median (IQR)4 (3–6)5 (4–6)5 (3–6)0.074§
Comorbid disease count
 median (IQR)4 (3–6)5 (4–6)5 (3–6)0.047§
  • *Comparison of men and women.

  • §Mann–Whitney U test.

  • †χ2 test.

  • ‡Fisher's exact test,.

  • Denominators vary due to missing values.