Table 1

Overview of risk factors associated with community-acquired pneumonia and pneumococcal disease

Risk factorCohort studiesCase-control studies
Number of cohorts*Risk rangeNumber of cohorts*Risk range
Community-acquired pneumonia
 Chronic respiratory diseases8OR: 1.5
HR: 2.9
Rate ratio: 3.8–8.6
15§OR: 1.3–13.5
RR: 1.6–2.8
HR: 1.2
 Current smoking status4HR: 1.1
Rate ratio: 3.3–4.0
6OR: 1.0–2.3
HR: 2.0
RR: 1.5
 Diabetes mellitus7HR: 1.0–1.9
Rate ratio: 1.6–3.1
9OR: 1.0–1.4
HR: 1.1
RR: 1.2–1.3
 Chronic heart disease6HR: 1.5–3.1
Rate ratio: 3.8–4.9
17OR: 1.0–3.3
HR: 1.3
RR: 1.3–2.6
Pneumococcal pneumonia
 Chronic respiratory diseases6Rate ratio: 3.7–9.80
 Current smoking status3Rate ratio: 3.0–4.40
 Diabetes mellitus6RR: 2.3
Rate ratio: 1.5–3.1
 Chronic heart disease3Rate ratio: 3.8–5.10
Invasive pneumococcal disease
 Chronic respiratory diseases9**OR: 2.1–16.8
Rate ratio: 2.5–7.7
4††OR: 1.3–4.7
 Current smoking status5OR: 2.2
RR: 2.7
Rate ratio: 3.6–4.3
1OR: 1.1
 Diabetes mellitus10OR: 1.4–4.6
Rate ratio: 1.5–3.9
2OR: 1.5–1.7
 Chronic heart disease5OR: 3.0–6.9
Rate ratio: 2.9–3.9
4OR: 1.7–9.9
  • *For studies that only reported data separately for each cohort, all cohorts were included; for studies that reported data for the overall study population, the summary data were used.

  • Risk in individuals with factor versus risk in those without risk factor; ranges are based on the lowest and highest values from the publications evaluated using the risk terminology (eg, relative risk or risk ratio) as stated in the original publications.

  • Comprising the following diseases (number of cohorts): asthma (3), bronchitis (0), COPD (1), lung disease (not specified; 4).

  • §Comprising the following diseases (number of cohorts): asthma (3), bronchitis (1), COPD (5), lung disease (not specified; 6).

  • Comprising the following diseases (number of cohorts): asthma (3), lung disease (not specified; 3).

  • **Comprising the following diseases (number of cohorts): asthma (4), lung disease (not specified; 5).

  • ††Comprising the following diseases (number of cohorts): asthma (2), COPD (2).

  • HR, hazard ratio; OR, odds ratio; RR, relative risk.