Table 3

Comparison of hospitalisation characteristics between men and women stratified by age

CharacteristicsMenWomenp Value
Age 18–30 yearsN=20 669N=4487
Pneumothorax type0.95
 Idiopathic19 359 (94%)4204 (94%)
 Secondary1310 (6%)283 (6%)
Place of hospitalisation0.33
 Surgical ward6303 (30%)1396 (31%)
 Medical ward14 366 (70%)3091 (69%)
Intensive or intermediate care unit4773 (23%)1045 (23%)0.79
Surgical treatment5700 (28%)1235 (28%)0.93
Hospitalisation duration, days, mean (SD)5.4 (4.5)5.5 (5.3)0.06
Rehospitalisation, n (%)10 841 (52%)2510 (56%)0.001
Age 31–50 yearsN=10 620N=5286
Pneumothorax type0.26
 Idiopathic9264 (87%)4648 (88%)
 Secondary1356 (13%)638 (12%)
Place of hospitalisation<0.0001
 Surgical ward3071 (29%)1677 (32%)
 Medical ward7549 (71%)3609 (68%)
Intensive or intermediate care unit2838 (27%)1393 (26%)0.63
Surgical treatment2745 (26%)1464 (28%)0.004
Hospitalisation duration, days, mean (SD)6.3 (7.8)6.2 (6.4)0.12
Rehospitalisation, n (%)4907 (46%)2835 (54%)<0.0001
Age 50–65 yearsN=5821N=1953
Pneumothorax type<0.0001
 Idiopathic3778 (65%)1508 (77%)
 Secondary2043 (35%)445 (23%)
Place of hospitalisation0.0001
 Surgical ward1381 (24%)382 (20%)
 Medical ward4440 (76%)1571 (80%)
Intensive or intermediate care unit1975 (34%)627 (32%)0.16
Surgical treatment1155 (20%)326 (17%)<0.0001
Hospitalisation duration, days, mean (SD)10.1 (14.5)9.5 (14.8)<0.0001
Rehospitalisation, n (%)2616 (45%)747 (38%)<0.0001