Table 4

Comparison of CT indices between male and female subjects in the control group

Age (years)64 (47–77)67 (50–77)
Height (cm)167.2 (6.7)152.4 (6.6)
BSA (m2)1.74 (0.14)1.46 (0.10)
Ai/BSA (apical)12.5 (4.1)11.6 (3.8)
WA% (apical) (%)57.0 (5.8)58.8 (6.2)
Ai/BSA (basal)12.5 (2.9)12.7 (4.3)
WA% (basal) (%)55.7 (3.9)57.2 (6.2)
SD_Ri (mm)0.18 (0.0043)0.17 (0.047)
SD_Ri /√BSA0.14 (0.034)0.14 (0.040)
CV_Ri0.052 (0.013)0.055 (0.016)
  • Values are mean (SD) or median (range).

  • No parameter showed significant difference.

  • Ai, luminal area; BSA, body surface area; SD_Ri and CV_Ri, parameters for shape irregularity of the airway lumen (see text); WA%, percentage ratio of wall area to total airway area.