Abbreviations |
ABG | Arterial blood gas |
AHI | Apnoea hypopnoea index |
AOT | Ambulatory oxygen therapy |
ASV | Adaptive servo ventilation |
BIPAP | Bi-level positive airway pressure |
BTS | British Thoracic Society |
CBG | Capillary blood gas |
CCF | Congestive cardiac failure |
CCH | Chronic cluster headache |
CF | Cystic fibrosis |
CH | Cluster headache |
CO | Carbon monoxide |
CO2 | Carbon dioxide |
COPD | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
CPAP | Continuous positive airway pressure |
CRQ | Chronic respiratory disease questionnaire |
CSA | Central sleep apnoea |
CSB | Cheyne-stokes breathing |
ECH | Episodic cluster headache |
ECOG PS | Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status |
EEG | Electroencephalography |
ELBG | Earlobe blood gas |
ESS | Epworth sleepiness scale |
FiO2 | Fraction of inspired oxygen |
GDG | Guideline development group |
GP | General practitioner |
H | Hypoxaemia |
HAD | Hospital anxiety and depression scale |
Hb | Haemoglobin |
HO | Home oxygen |
HOOF | Home oxygen order form |
HOS-AR | Home oxygen service – assessment and review |
IPAH | Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension |
IOT | Intermittent oxygen therapy |
ILD | Interstitial lung disease |
kPa | kilo Pascal (unit of measurement of pressure) 1kPa= 7.5mmHg |
L/min | Litres per minute (unit of measure of flow rate of oxygen) |
LTOT | Long term oxygen therapy |
LVEF | Left ventricular ejection fraction |
m | Meter (unit of measurement of length) |
mmHg | millimetres of mercury (unit of measurement of pressure) |
MMSE | Mini mental state examination |
MQoLQ | Migraine quality of life questionnaire |
MRC | Medical Research Council |
NH | Non hypoxaemic |
NHYA | New York Heart Association |
NIV | Non-invasive ventilation |
NIPPV | Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation |
NOT | Nocturnal oxygen therapy |
NRS | Numeric rating scale |
OHS | Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome |
OT | Oxygen therapy |
OSA | Obstructive sleep apnoea |
O2 | Oxygen |
PAP | Pulmonary artery pressure |
PCO2 | Carbon dioxide tension (partial pressure) in blood or alveolus |
PaCO2 | Arterial carbon dioxide tension (partial pressure) |
PaO2 | Arterial oxygen tension (partial pressure) |
PO2 | Oxygen tension (partial pressure) in blood or alveolus |
PCU | Palliative care unit |
PICO | Patient Intervention Control Outcome |
POT | Palliative oxygen therapy |
PPH | Primary pulmonary hypertension |
pH | Unit of measurement of acidity of blood |
QoL | Quality of life |
REM | Rapid eye movement stage of sleep |
SBOT | Short burst oxygen therapy |
SD | Standard deviation |
SDB | Sleep disorder breathing |
SF-A | Validated sleep quality questionnaire |
SF 36 | Short form (36) health questionnaire |
SIGN | Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network |
SaO2 | Arterial oxygen saturation measured by arterial blood gas co-oximetry |
SpO2 | Arterial oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry |
SOCC | British Thoracic Society Standards of Care Committee |
VAS | Visual analogue scale |
VE | Minute ventilation |
6MWT | 6 minute walk test |
Symbols |
> | Greater than or above |
≤ | Less than or below |
> | Greater than or equal to |
≤ | Less than or equal to |
% | Percent |