Glossary/Abbreviations and symbols

ABGArterial blood gas
AHIApnoea hypopnoea index
AOTAmbulatory oxygen therapy
ASVAdaptive servo ventilation
BIPAPBi-level positive airway pressure
BTSBritish Thoracic Society
CBGCapillary blood gas
CCFCongestive cardiac failure
CCHChronic cluster headache
CFCystic fibrosis
CHCluster headache
COCarbon monoxide
CO2Carbon dioxide
COPDChronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPAPContinuous positive airway pressure
CRQChronic respiratory disease questionnaire
CSACentral sleep apnoea
CSBCheyne-stokes breathing
ECHEpisodic cluster headache
ECOG PSEastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status
ELBGEarlobe blood gas
ESSEpworth sleepiness scale
FiO2Fraction of inspired oxygen
GDGGuideline development group
GPGeneral practitioner
HADHospital anxiety and depression scale
HOHome oxygen
HOOFHome oxygen order form
HOS-ARHome oxygen service – assessment and review
IPAHIdiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
IOTIntermittent oxygen therapy
ILDInterstitial lung disease
kPakilo Pascal (unit of measurement of pressure) 1kPa= 7.5mmHg
L/minLitres per minute (unit of measure of flow rate of oxygen)
LTOTLong term oxygen therapy
LVEFLeft ventricular ejection fraction
mMeter (unit of measurement of length)
mmHgmillimetres of mercury (unit of measurement of pressure)
MMSEMini mental state examination
MQoLQMigraine quality of life questionnaire
MRCMedical Research Council
NHNon hypoxaemic
NHYANew York Heart Association
NIVNon-invasive ventilation
NIPPVNon-invasive positive pressure ventilation
NOTNocturnal oxygen therapy
NRSNumeric rating scale
OHSObesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
OTOxygen therapy
OSAObstructive sleep apnoea
PAPPulmonary artery pressure
PCO2Carbon dioxide tension (partial pressure) in blood or alveolus
PaCO2Arterial carbon dioxide tension (partial pressure)
PaO2Arterial oxygen tension (partial pressure)
PO2Oxygen tension (partial pressure) in blood or alveolus
PCUPalliative care unit
PICOPatient Intervention Control Outcome
POTPalliative oxygen therapy
PPHPrimary pulmonary hypertension
pHUnit of measurement of acidity of blood
QoLQuality of life
REMRapid eye movement stage of sleep
SBOTShort burst oxygen therapy
SDStandard deviation
SDBSleep disorder breathing
SF-AValidated sleep quality questionnaire
SF 36Short form (36) health questionnaire
SIGNScottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network
SaO2Arterial oxygen saturation measured by arterial blood gas co-oximetry
SpO2Arterial oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry
SOCCBritish Thoracic Society Standards of Care Committee
VASVisual analogue scale
VEMinute ventilation
6MWT6 minute walk test
>Greater than or above
Less than or below
>Greater than or equal to
Less than or equal to