Table 1

Type of emergency department with annual attendance rates along with numbers seen during the data collection period and rate (%) of intravenous treatment administered per centre

ED typeAttendances per year (n)Numbers screened (n)Intravenous rate (n)Intravenous rate (%)
Stand alone CED47 500335133.9
Stand alone CED24 500931819.4
Stand alone CED35 00024541.6
Stand alone CED31 50013864.3
Stand alone CED30 00010932.8
Stand alone CED34 00018173
Stand alone CED41 00024641.6
Stand alone CED45 00020494.4
Stand alone CED58 500204 (no data collected)No data captureNot known
Stand alone CED30 0009633.1
Stand alone CED45 00010762.8
Stand alone CED50 00018031.7
Mixed ED with AVS36 00011732.6
Mixed ED with AVS33 50016653
Mixed ED with AVS24 00086 (no data collected)2 (data collected)2.3
Mixed ED with AVS23 0008955.6
Mixed ED with AVS26 500141104.1
Mixed ED with AVS18 000600
Within mixed ED with AVS25 5004312.8
Within mixed ED with AVS24 0001712.8
Within mixed ED with AVS20 0006011.7
Within mixed ED with AVS35 00010454.8
Fully separate department adjacent to adult unit but shares resuscitation facilities38 00014121.4
General ED with CED open 10.00–22.0019 50013000
  • AVS, audiovisual separation; CED, children's emergency department; ED, emergency department.