TableĀ 2

Median survival according to cell type for the UK, Australian and Dutch cohorts combined

Cell typeMedian survival in days (95% CI)n
Mesothelioma339 (267 to 422)170
Haematological malignancy218 (160 to 484)35
Gynaecological malignancy203 (97 to 279)59
Breast cancer192 (133 to 271)140
Renal cell carcinoma114 (33 to 334)22
Adenocarcinoma of unknown primary87 (13 to 286)11
Lung cancer74 (60 to 92)215
Other71 (46 to 102)33
Gastrointestinal cancer61 (44 to 73)61
Sarcoma44 (19 to 76)12
Melanoma43 (23 to 72)23
Urological cancer (bladder, prostate, testis, penile)33 (22 to 168)8
Overall136 (119 to 167)789