Table 1

Patient clinical and demographic characteristics of thoracentesis procedures and outcomes

All procedures
Procedures with any complication
p Value*Procedures with pneumothorax
p Value*
Age (years), n (%)  0.460.74
 <602194 (23.77)26 (28.57) 13 (22.81) 
 60–752906 (31.48)22 (24.18) 17 (29.82) 
 >754220 (45.72)43 (47.25) 27 (47.37) 
Male, n (%)4656 (50.44)52 (57.14)0.1935 (61.40)0.10
BMI category, n (%)  0.02 0.06
 Underweight <18.0603 (6.53)9 (9.90) 9 (15.79) 
 Normal weight 18.0–24.94611 (50.0)45 (49.45) 24 (42.11) 
 Overweight 25–29.92508 (26.17)25 (27.47) 17 (29.82) 
 Obese 30–39.91392 (15.08)12 (13.19) 7 (12.28) 
 Morbidly obese >40206 (2.23)0 0 
Charlson score, mean (SD)3.6 (2.9)4.0 (3.2)0.163.9 (2.9)0.41
INR category, n (%)  0.97 0.58
 0.8–1.496589 (70.80)61 (67.03) 39 (68.40) 
 1.5–2.992005 (21.5)20 (22.00) 13 (22.80) 
 >3.1301 (3.2)5 (5.50) 1 (1.80) 
Partial thromboplastin time, mean (SD)41.3 (21.8)46.3 (27.8)0.0347.0 (32.5)0.06
Platelet category, n (%)  0.55 0.21
 <2053 (0.57)0 0 
 20–49359 (3.90)4 (4.40) 2 (3.51) 
 50–1001002 (10.9)13 (14.29) 5 (8.77) 
 >1007670 (82.10)74 (84.61) 48 (84.21)7670 (82.10)
Volume category, n (%), mL  <0.0001 <0.0001
 035 (0.38)1 (1.10) 1 (1.75) 
 1–15008486 (91.94)65 (71.43) 38 (66.67) 
 >1500799 (8.66)25 (27.47) 18 (31.58) 
Bilateral procedure, n (%)3796 (41.12)19 (20.89)<0.000110 (17.54)<0.0001
Invasive or non-invasive mechanical ventilation, n (%)1377 (14.92)17 (18.68)0.4911 (19.30)0.37
Needle passes category, n (%)  0.002 0.001
 19190 (99.57)89 (97.80) 55 (96.49) 
 ≥273 (0.78)2 (2.20) 2 (3.51) 
Supine, n (%)473 (5.12)6 (6.59)0.516 (10.53)0.08
  • All comparisons are at the univariate level.

  • *All listed categorical variables were made continuous in the univariate Poisson regression.

  • BMI, body mass index; INR, International Normalised Ratio.