Table 2

Summary of results for key secondary efficacy endpoints

Time to first exacerbation (days)
 Patients with event (%)160 (68.7)178 (78.1)
 Median (95% CI)165 (124, 204)124 (107, 143)
 p Value (stratified Log-rank Test)0.0214
 HR (95% CI)0.78 (0.63 to 0.96)
 p Value0.0218
Duration (days) of exacerbations*
 Mean days with GPE (any type) per year (95% CI)31.49 (25.54 to 38.82)35.74 (28.90 to 44.20)
 Rate ratio (95% CI)0.88 (0.67 to 1.16)
 p Value0.3602
Days on antibiotics for treatment of pulmonary exacerbations*
 Mean days on antibiotics for treatment of GPE (any type) per year (95% CI)19.88 (16.12 to 24.51)26.03 (21.11 to 32.09)
 Rate ratio (95% CI)0.76 (0.58 to 1.00)
 p Value0.0496
Absolute change in SGRQ total score from baseline†
 n used in analysis228219
 All on-treatment period
 LS mean (95% CI)−10.98 (−12.78 to −9.18)−8.58 (−10.43 to −6.72)
 Difference (95% CI)−2.40 (−4.76 to −0.05)
 p Value0.0457
  • Rate ratio is calculated using the negative binomial regression model for mannitol versus control. Model includes treatment, region and baseline pulmonary exacerbation rate as predictors.

  • HR, estimated from Cox regression, is for mannitol versus control.

  • Log-rank test and Cox regression are stratified by region and baseline PE rate (≤2/year, >2/year).

  • LS Mean: Least Squares Mean Difference, estimated from mixed model, is for mannitol versus control. Model includes treatment, visit, treatment×visit, region and baseline SGRQ Total score.

  • *Negative binomial regression.

  • †Mixed model analysis.

  • GPE, graded pulmonary exacerbation (any type); SGRQ, St George's Respiratory Questionnaire.