Abstract P286 Table 1

Patient demographics and morbidity

Age (mean years±SD)59 ± 10 (n = 57)
FEV1 (mean litres±SD)1.59 ± 0.8 (n = 37)
MRC Dyspnoea Score (mean±SD)2.28 ± 1 (n = 37)
Coexisting physical health problem e.g. arthritis, diabetes79% (n = 29)
Coexisting mental health problem e.g. depression, anxiety64% (n = 28)
% with at least one psychosocial issue e.g. housing problems67% (n = 30)
Unemployed57% (n = 35)
Pack Year History (mean±SD)41 ± 22
No. of previous quit attempts3 ± 2