Table 2

Association of national mortality levels from COPD with logarithm of GNI/capita ($US PPP) for all 179 countries with information and for the 19 countries with BOLD sites, and age-adjusted national smoking prevalence for 135 available countries and with mean pack years smoked for 22 BOLD sites

β95% CIp Valueβ95% CIp Value
Age 15–59 years
 Log GNI (N=179)−4.64−5.58 to −3.69<0.001−2.87−3.55 to −2.20<0.001
 Log GNI (BOLD countries: N=19)−7.90−11.24 to −4.55<0.001 −4.91−7.04 to −2.78<0.001
Age >60 years
 Log GNI (N=179)−196−235 to −158<0.001−144−179 to −109<0.001
 Log GNI (BOLD countries: N=19)−329−388 to −270<0.001−259−326 to −192<0.001
Age 15–59 years
 Age-adjusted smoking prevalence (%) (N=135)−0.31−0.41 to −0.22<0.001−0.51−0.63 to −0.39<0.001
 Mean pack years (BOLD sites: N=22)−0.52−0.98 to −0.070.027−0.74−1.34 to −0.140.019
Age >60 years
 Age-adjusted smoking prevalence (%) (N=135)−5.57−9.987 to −1.1640.014−24.47−28.59 to −20.36<0.001
 Mean pack years (BOLD sites: N=22)−18.5−31.4 to −5.50.008−39.0−58.0 to −19.9<0.001
  • BOLD, Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; GNI, gross national income; PPP, purchasing power parity.