Table 5

Causes of death on death certificate according to death attributed to tuberculosis (TB) and death attributed to other causes*

Causes of death according to death certificateTotal deaths N=306Death attributed to TB
Death attributed to other causes
p Value
Tuberculosis79 (25.81)61 (68.53)18 (8.29)<0.001
Renal failure50 (16.33)3 (3.37)47 (21.65)<0.001
Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver37 (12.09)4 (4.49)33 (15.20)0.009
Cardiovascular diseases34 (11.11)6 (6.74)28 (12.90)0.119
Diabetes mellitus19 (6.20)1 (1.12)18 (8.29)0.018
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease14 (4.57)3 (3.37)11 (5.06)0.518
Pneumonia14 (4.57)0 (0.00)14 (6.45)0.014
Malignant neoplasms13 (4.24)2 (2.24)11 (5.06)0.266
HIV/AIDS10 (3.26)3 (3.37)7 (3.22)0.948
Accidents6 (1.96)0 (0.00)6 (2.76)0.113
Other causes†31 (10.13)6 (6.74)25 (11.52)0.208
  • *Deaths were attributed to tuberculosis based on two of the following: death certificate with tuberculosis as the main cause of death; interview with a close caregiver who identified tuberculosis as a probable cause of death; or sputum or culture-confirmed tuberculosis at the time of death.11

  • †Includes gastrointestinal diseases (5); sepsis, unspecified (5); protein-energy malnutrition (5); epilepsy (3); alcoholic liver disease (2); cerebrovascular accident (2); abscess of lung (1); hepatic failure (1); lupus erythematosus (1); and not otherwise specified (6).