Table 3

Summary of peak expiratory flow (PEF)-derived variables, asthma control, exacerbations and quality of life indices during the observed period in the two studies

Study 1 (mild to moderate)Study 2 (severe)p Value
Correlation exponent α0.78±0.180.78±0.140.995
Mean PEF, l/min428±101296±124<0.001
Mean PEF, percentage of predicted78.9±15.956.0±19.1<0.001
Number of subjects (%) with GINA score of
 Controlled (≤1)47 (36)3 (2)<0.001*
 Partially controlled (between 1 and 2)75 (57)50 (31)
 Uncontrolled (= 2)10 (8)106 (67)
GINA score, % of weeks spent uncontrolled29.3±33.086.0±27.6<0.001
Asthma Control Questionnaire score, mean over period2.36 (0.81–3.74)
 Lowest tertile1.48 (0.64–2.05)
 Medium tertile2.36 (2.12–2.64)
 Highest tertile3.12 (2.74–4.02)
Number of exacerbations over period1 (0–10)2 (0–11)0.017
Number of subjects having
 No exacerbations (%)58 (44)43 (27)0.003
 ≥1 exacerbation(s) (%)74 (56)116 (73)
Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire score, mean over period4.67 (2.98–6.44)
 Lowest tertile3.69 (2.38–4.19)
 Medium tertile4.68 (4.25–5.11)
 Highest tertile5.81 (5.19–6.58)
  • Mean±SD shown, else median (5th–95th centile).

  • p Values given are for t tests comparing the mild to moderate and severe asthma groups unless indicated otherwise.

  • * p Value given for the Pearson χ2 test.

  • p Value given for t test on ranks (Mann–Whitney).

  • GINA, Global Initiative for Asthma.