Table 2

Participant demographics at baseline stratified by quintiles of baseline 15th percentile (Perc15) values

Quintile 1Quintile 2Quintile 3Quintile 4Quintile 5
Emphysema severity (Perc15)−906.5 (14.2)−927.3 (3.5)−937.0 (2.5)−945.9 (2.6)−959.2 (9.0)
Number of participants422420413418412
Age (years)58.0 (4.7)59.0 (4.7)60.4 (5.5)60.4 (5.3)61.3 (5.8)
Height (m)1.78 (0.07)1.79 (0.06)1.79 (0.06)1.79 (0.06)1.79 (0.06)
Weight (kg)85.0 (13.01)85.7 (12.2)84.8 (12.4)86.7 (11.9)84.3 (11.8)
BMI (kg/m2)26.9 (3.3)27.0 (3.3)26.6 (3.3)26.9 (3.3)26.9 (3.3)
Years in study*3.0 (2.9–3.1)3.0 (2.9–3.1)3.0 (2.9–3.1)2.9 (2.9–3.1)3.0 (2.9–3.1)
Pack-years smoking40.1 (16.6)40.4 (18.9)40.3 (18.0)40.5 (17.2)40.2 (18.1)
Current smokers (%)78.067.449.243.534.1
FEV1 (l)3.49 (0.62)3.46 (0.63)3.44 (0.66)3.45 (0.78)3.21 (0.89)
FEV1/FVC (%)76.6 (6.8)73.6 (7.7)73.0 (7.7)71.1 (9.0)66.16 (11.6)
GOLD classification
 Normal (%)83.471.469.363.943.7
 Stage I (%)11.421.420.423.931.3
 Stage II (%)
 Stage III (%)
  • Values are mean (SD) unless otherwise indicated.

  • * Median (IQR), quintiles are based on the number of scanned cases.

  • BMI, body mass index; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC, forced vital capacity.