Table 1

Demographic data and clinical characteristics for the whole group of patients with ALS, for those who refused a tracheotomy and for those who agreed to it

All patientsRefused tracheotomyAgreed to tracheotomyp Value
Sex (M/F)30/4614/2416/220.639
Age (years)66.00±9.1866.97±9.2265.03±9.150.359
BMI (kg/m2)25.48±3.6725.46±3.9125.51±3.460.057
Spinal/bulbar onset42/3423/1519/190.356
Time from ALS onset to tracheotomy (months)37.97±32.1135.26±20.5841.29±42.360.442
FVC (l)1.01±0.511.03±0.500.99±0.520.745
%FVC (%)39.53±18.4639.28±17.9339.75±19.200.924
MIC (l)1.28±0.631.31±0.611.26±0.660.743
PCF (l/s)2.24±1.062.37±1.062.13±1.070.381
PCFMIC (l/s)2.55±1.172.71±1.132.40±1.200.320
PCFMI-E (l/s)3.13±0.893.15±0.643.12±1.070.890
PImax (cm H2O)−32.09±17.46−36.08±18.47−28.53±15.990.117
PEmax (cm H2O)44.33±23.0944.53±22.8144.14±25.290.952
  • Data are expressed as means±SD for continuous variables and number for categorical variables.

  • ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; ALSFRS-R, revised amyotrophic lateral sclerosis functional rating scale; BMI, body mass index; MIC, maximum insufflation capacity; FVC, forced vital capacity; %FVC, predicted FVC; NBS, Norris bulbar subscore; PCF, peak cough flow; PCFMIC, manually assisted PCF; PCFMI-E, mechanically assisted PCF; PEmax, maximum expiratory pressure; PImax, maximum inspiratory pressure.