Table 3

Indirect cost of occupational asthma for six case study individuals (2004 prices, £ per person per year)

Cost componentIncidenceLatex or glutaraldehydeIsocyanatesFlour or grain
Net IB and IIDBTaxpayer+1525+1610+1610+1665+1635+1685
SSPTaxpayer+24 to +33+24 to +33+24 to +33+24 to +33+24 to +33+24 to +33
SubtotalTaxpayer+1549 to +1558+1634 to +1643+1634 to +1643+1689 to +1698+1659 to +1668+1709 to +1718
Reduction in net incomeIndividual+5935+2535+3030+1735+2535+1555
Human costs of ill health (morbidity)Individual+145 to +238+145 to +238+145 to +238+145 to +238+145 to +238+145 to +238
SubtotalIndividual+6080 to +6173+2680 to +2773+3175 to +3268+1880 to +1973+2680 to +2773+1700 to +1793
Cost sickness absenceEmployer+256 to +343+130 to +174+158 to +212+109 to +146+137 to +183+98 to +132
Total indirect costs (annual)Society+7885 to +8074+4444 to +4590+4967 to +5123+3678 to +3817+4476 to +4624+3507 to +3643
Expected mortality cost (one-off cost)Individual+90 to +135+70 to +105+90 to +135+70 to +105+90 to +135+70 to +105
Labour turnover (one-off cost)Employer+130 to +520+130 to +520+93 to +372+93 to +372+78 to +312+78 to +312
Total indirect costs (one-off)Society+220 to +655+200 to +625+183 to +507+163 to +477+168 to +447+148 to +417
  • SSP, statutory sick pay; IB, Incapacity Benefit; IIDB, Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit.