Table 2

Summary of outcome measures for the isotonic saline and hypertonic saline treatment periods

Isotonic salineHypertonic salineTreatment effect*p Value
LCI8.71±2.108.89±2.108.84±1.957.86±1.711.16±0.94 (0.27 to 2.05)0.016
FVC % Predicted98.5±11.699.8±13.3101.2±11.099.3±11.82.4±9.8 (−2.7 to 7.4)0.37
FVC (litres)2.2±0.82.3±0.72.3±0.82.3±0.80.02±0.2 (−0.07 to 0.1)0.57
FEV1% predicted96.0±12.096.3±13.996.3±12.797.0±14.3−1.8±12.0 (−7.9 to 4.4)0.55
FEV1 (litres)1.8±0.61.8±0.51.8±0.61.9±0.6−0.06±0.2 (−0.2 to 0.05)0.25
FEF25–75 % predicted84.9±24.186.8±25.082.9±21.785.4±26.3−5.3±22.3 (−16.7 to 6.2)0.53
FEF25–75 (litres)2.0 ± 0.71.9 ± 0.71.9 ± 0.72.0 ± 0.8−0.1±0.6 (−0.37 to 0.08)0.19
CFQ-R respiratory domain77.8 ± 13.980.0 ± 18.776.9 ± 13.084.0 ± 16.0−5.2±14.2 (−17.4 to 7.1)0.33
CFQ-R parent respiratory domain84.1±13.081.9±12.378.1±14.582.6±12.9−5.9±16.2 (−14.9 to 3.0)0.15
  • Values are expressed as means± SD and 95% CI.

  • % predicted spirometry values were calculated using the equations of Stanojevic et al.23

  • * Absolute difference for isotonic saline vs hypertonic saline.

  • p Value for comparison of postisotonic saline with posthypertonic saline.

  • CFQ-R, Cystic Fibrosis Questionnaire-Revised; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC, forced vital capacity; FEF25–75, forced expiratory flow at 25–75% of the forced vital capacity; LCI, lung clearance index.