Table 1

Chemokine receptors expressed by mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)

CC family
CCR1CCL 3 (MIP1α), 5 (RANTES), 7 (MCP3), 14 (HCC1)24–27
CCR2CCL 2 (MCP1), 7, 8 (MCP2), 13 (MCP4), 16 (HCC4)23 24
CCR3CCL 5, 7, 8, 11 (eotaxin), 1323
CCR4CCL 17 (TARC), 22 (MDC)23 24 27
CCR5CCL 3, 4 (MIP1β), 5, 11, 14, 1623
CCR6CCL 20 (MIP3α)24
CCR7CCL 19 (MIP3β), 2124–27
CCR8CCL 1 (I309)24
CCR9CCL 25 (TECK)24 25 27
CCR10CCL 27 (CTACK), 2824 27
CXC family
CXCR1CXCL 6 (GCP2), 8 (IL8)24
CXCR2CXCL 1 (GROα), 2 (GROβ), 3 (GROγ), 5 (ENA78), 7 (NAP2), 824
CXCR3CXCL 4 (PF4), 9 (MIG), 10 (IP10), 11 (ITAC)24
CXCR4CXCL12 (SDF1α)23–26
CXCR5CXCL13 (BCA1)23–25 27
CX3C family
CX3CR1CX3CL1 (fractalkine)25 26
XC family
XCR1XCL 1 (Lptn), 2 (SCM1β)24
  • There is a lack of consistency in the literature as to the exact repertoire of chemokine receptors that MSCs express, as shown by the reference column in the table. The chemokines and their receptors are named according to the new nomenclature, however the traditional names of the chemokines are also listed in brackets for reference.