Table 4

Bacteriological findings of 57 nursing home patients (38% of total population) with either probable or definitive aetiology of a pneumonia episode

n (%)SputumBloodTBAS, BALPleural fluidSerologyUrinary antigenN-P swab
S pneumoniae33 (22)963419
H influenzae2 (1)2010
MRSA3 (2)2110
P aeruginosa2 (1)2000
K pneumoniae2 (1)0120
E coli3 (2)0121
C pneumoniae1 (1)2
M pneumoniae2 (1)2
C burnetii1 (1)1
L pneumophila3 (2)00003
Virus3 (2)32
P stuartii1 (1)1
Candida albicans1 (1)1010
Total57 (38)1791058222
  • Note: percentages refer to the total number of patients (n=150).

  • BAL, bronchioalveolar lavage; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; N-P swab, naso-pharyngeal swab; TBAS, tracheobronchial aspirate.